Sun 26 Jan
Sexy, Passionate, Mature, Beautiful Woman -- Body Rubs and for a Wonderful Time Together! - 50
(Boca Raton -- Exit 44 off I-95)
New!!! Super Long and Perfect Legs!! and Sparkling Attitude!! Michelle!! - 31
(Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton -- Way Worth the Trip!)
NOW Doing OUT Calls FOR an EXCLUSIVE FEW - I am the affluent MAN'S Choice BEAUTIFUL BLUE eyed BLoNDE - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
I CATER exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale, 4 Star Hotel Beautiful, blue eyed blond - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
I CATER exclusively to the Affluent - Beautiful, BLUE eyed BLOND Safe, Clean, UpScale, 4 Star Loca - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
CATERING exclusively to the Affluent - Safe, Clean, UpScale, Beautiful, blue eyed blonde - 22
(Palm Beach to Dade)
Big, Beautiful, Mature Barbie With Very Strong Hands Provides Great Body Rubs and FS - 51
(Boca Raton)
*BaD AsS LiTTLe GiRL !*> SpEcIaLS StiLL RuNiInG $75- $110- $$160 > TaKE AdVaNtAgE Of Me NoW !! - 34
*BaD AsS LiTTLe GiRL! >SpEcIaLS 4 ToDaY $75 -$110 -$160 > TaKE AdVaNtAgE Of Me WhILe U CaN !!* - 34
Sun 12 Jan
Gina -- Beautiful, Pleasing!!! Great Legs, DD Cups, Delicate Fingers, 2 FULL HOURS! - 48
(West Palm Beach, Pompano Beach -- Exits 33 & 36 off I-95)
Body Rubs And Much More! Disease Free, Fun. Mutual Fun. Private, Safe. - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Coconut Creek off Sample Road)
Big, Beautiful, Mature Barbie With Very Strong Hands Provides Great Body Rubs and FS - 50
(Boca Raton)
Cybil -- Beautiful, Mature, Playful, and Just 20 Minutes From The Boat Show - 50
(Deerfield Beach -- I-95 and 10th)
Beautiful Woman Provides 1 or 2 Hours of Body Rub Bliss! Private Home, No Roommates. - 46
(New Low Rate)
Sat 11 Jan
Brand New -- Super Long Legs, Sparkling Attitude, Great Body - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton)
Hello, I am Cybil, a Mature Beautiful Woman Who Loves You! Wine, Cheese, Body Rubs, Strip Tease.
(Deerfield Beach -- I-95 and 10th)
Hello, I am Cybil, a Mature Beautiful Woman Who Loves You! Wine, Cheese, Body Rubs, Strip Tease.
(Deerfield Beach -- I-95 and 10th)
Cybil, a Mature Beautiful Woman Who Loves Gentlemen! Wine, Cheese, Body Rubs, Strip Tease
(Deerfield Beach -- I-95 and 10th)
A Dance, A Strip Tease, Wine and Cheese, Great Conversation, A Great Body Rub and Me! - 50
(Deerfield Beach -- I-95 and 10th)
spcls***( SUPER BUSTY (38DDD) *** SUPER Sexy HOT EBONY BEAUTY) ***w 44inch SUPER BOOOTY@!@ - 27
(West Palm Beach, Palm beach lakes(easy location))
Real Human Intimacy -- Romance, Passion, Anticipation, Sensuous Touches. Real FS, not HE!
(Boca Raton)
Sensually Neglected? Important to Be Touched With Genuine Intimacy!! From 7 am - 11 pm My Place! - 38
(Pompano Beach at Atlantic Blvd)
Real Human Intimacy Takes Time! And Commitment! Warm Emotions For the Right Man! - 50
(Boca Raton == Mile Markers 42 and 44)
Mature, Beautiful, Passionate, Playful, Romantic, Sensuous and Much More. GFE and FS - 50
(Boca Raton)
New Summer Rates!! Beautiful Passionate Woman Provides FS in gorgeous, upscale apartment in Boca!
(boca babe)
Beautiful, Mature Gal Provides Great Body Rubs! - 46
(Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton Off Yamato Road)
Dev -- Brand New -- BOCA or Outcalls Anywhere in South Florida -- Body Rubs and Everything - 31
(West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, My Place in Boca or Your Place)
A Girl Your Own Age, Your Own Size, Your Own Way of Thinking, Your Own High Drive!
(West Palm Beach)
Fri 10 Jan
There is a Right Way, a Wrong Way, and My Way! My Way: HAVE IT ALL! - 29
(West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, South Florida)
hot blonde ++++++++++ spice ++++++++sweet ++++++++sexy ++++++++ +++++++ - 23
(++++++++ PALM BCH GARDENS +)
Cara: Brilliant Mind, Great Listener, Soft Hands, Gorgeous, Natural C's, Mutual Touches - 27
(West Palm Beach, Boca Raton -- Worth the Trip!)
Gentlemen: Please come visit me at my home for S. Florida's Longest, Most Sensual Body Rub!
(Off I95 Exit 27 Broward Blvd)
Absolutely Beautiful Woman Provides Exceptionally Sensuous Body Rubs and More! - 42
(Pompano Beach or Your Place!)
SWEETHEARTS ESCORTS **We have the HOTTEST Girls who make the MOST Money in South Florida!! Apply NOW - 30
Cathy Asks: Can You Make Love Today the Way You Did the Very First Time Ever? - 22
(Pompano Beach -- Off Atlantic Blvd (Exit)
Body Rubs are NOT Sensuous Unless They Include A Grand Finale That Uses More Than Just Hands! - 51
(Boca Raton)
Come to My Home for South Florida's Longest and Most Pleasurable Body Rub!! - 46
(Off I95 Exit 27 Broward Blvd)
Cybil, a Mature Beautiful Woman Who Loves Gentlemen! Wine, Cheese, Body Rubs, Strip Tease.
(Deerfield Beach -- I-95 and 10th)
Cybil -- Beautiful, Mature (age, not spirit!), Busty, Interesting & Interested in You, Great Talker.
(Deerfield Beach)
Cathy -- 1 Hour Becomes 2 Hours of Body Rubs, MIOs, FIOs, Talking, Holding Hands, - 47
(Pompano Beach)
Beautiful, Mature, Passionate, Romantic, Sensuous, Playful, Exuberant Woman. 2 Hours Bliss. - 50
(Boca Raton)
Beautiful Nursing Student Provides Sensuous Body Rub Together With FS - 22
(Pompano Beach -- exit 36 off I-95)