Sun 26 Jan
***sexy beautiful ts sandy*** real pics no games 100% I-95 exit 45th ST - 24
(West Palm Beach, I-95 exit 45th ST)
S T U N N I N G & A D D I C T I V E Available "F R I D A Y " by appointment - 23
(West Palm Beach I-95 and 45th st-upscale)
S M O K I N ~ H O T ~ B E A U T Y *Available W E D N E S D A Y - 24
(West Palm Beach, Off I-95 & 45th St. West/Upscale Incall)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
💋💕Skip The Trial&Error-; LookNoFurther! HighlySkilled, & LoveToPlease! IncallOnly* AvailableNow💕💋 - 21
(45th St & I-95 -- Northpoint Pkwy, West Palm Beach)
SENSUAL EROTIC MASSAGE for (women only) ** Saturday SPECIAL** ALL day and Night - 35
(West Palm off 95 and west of 45th st.)
Thu 09 Jan
🚩🚩🚩The Ultimate Package Ts Moet Now Visiting (All U Can Eat Cream) - 23
(West Palm Beach, 45TH ST I-95)
Platinum Blonde, Long Legs, Sexy Curves, Pretty White Girl - 24
(West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, I-95/45th St.)
Wed 08 Jan
My KITTY 🐱 is PIERCED 👅Feel 👅 Soooo GOOD 👅 TIGHT 👅 Bigg BOOTY 🍑 - 25
(45TH ST & I-95 👅 NO 🚘 DATES, West Palm Beach)
Tue 07 Jan
ATTENTION!!! all the way from HOUSTON TX latin ts VANESSA I-95 & 45th st - 21
(West Palm Beach, WEST PALM BEACH I-95 ON 45TH ST)
💋💕Skip The Trial&Error-; LookNoFurther! HighlySkilled, & LoveToPlease! In&Outcall;*AvailableNow💕💋 - 21
(45th St & I-95 -- Metrocentre Dr, West Palm Beach)
Satisfaction - Guarenteed, Pleasure - Promised, Ecstacy - Achieved... °°Kristi°° - 19
(West Palm Beach, 45th st. & I-95)
** N E W G I R L ** Sweet- Friendly- A V A I L A B L E * S A T U R D A Y - 21
(I-95 &45th st west-Palm Beach)
Mon 06 Jan
Sat 04 Jan