Why A Trained Professional Provides the Greatest 3 Levels of Body Rub Sensual Pleasures! - 21

Posted : Thursday, January 09, 2025 07:41 PM | 5 views

Hello, Gentlemen. My name is Marilyn. I am a beautiful 21-year old college student standing 5’ 9” tall, weighing 175 pounds with a ton of magnificent curves, soft silky skin, bedroom green eyes, and a great attitude. I am a nursing student, and like most nursing students I have a fundamental love for people. I have a nurturing, caring, loving personality, so the body rub world is the perfect home for me! The world is a blank palette to me – waiting to be painted with all the magnificent vistas I have yet to see. Life is thrilling and exciting to me – a new adventure every day. Meeting you will be a new chapter in my life. I am enthusiastic and passionate about life, and I will share those qualities with you. I approach the body rub world in the same way I approach the nursing world – with professional training, with study time, with an eager anticipation of serving others, of making their lives better with my compassionate care! I believe that the body rub world is a great career – one that should be taken seriously, one that should be studied, one that should be professionally handled. In my studies, I have learned that the scientists who have come before me have carefully studied every minute detail of the human body. They have mapped out every muscle in the human body; they have studied the best ways to relax every muscle in the body. I do not need to reinvent the wheel, I do not need to create new techniques. I simply need to learn from them the best ways of applying my trade, my craft. I can not fully describe all the details of a great body rub any more than I can fully describe all the details of what a nurse does! I would literally write a few whole books to describe everything. So I’ll provide a short summary of what I believe to be the world’s best body rub. The human body has five senses. A human being is most satisfied when all five senses are stimulated simultaneously. Top restaurants know this and try to achieve this by having a beautiful environment for the sense of sight, soft wonderful music for the sense of hearing, heavenly odors for the sense of smell, soft seats and soft linens for the sense of touch, and delicious food combining different elements for the sense of taste. I will stimulate all five of your senses at the same time. You may not notice what is going on, but I’ll provide a few glimpses. First and foremost you are coming to see me to satisfy your sense of touch. I’ll concentrate 90% of my efforts on that one sense. Some of the things I will do to stimulate and satisfy your sense of touch will be easily recognized by you while others will be less discernible. I will literally touch each and every cell on the outside of your body three different times using three different techniques. First, I will first spend at least 60 minutes using a therapeutic massage technique to relax the muscles of your body – deep tissue for your muscles that need deep tissue, medium for your muscles that need medium, and light for your muscles that need light. I will relax muscles that you didn’t know you had! I have an exact road map to follow for this first 60 minutes, and I’ll describe that road map in a little while. After the muscles have been relaxed, I will move on to the second technique: scratching. We have all scratched ourselves when we have had an itch. We have all asked someone else to “scratch our back” at some point in life. But few of us have ever had another human literally scratch each and every cell of our body! It is an altogether new and different experience – just as thrilling and exciting perhaps as visiting a new country for the first time or eating a newly created gourmet meal for the first time. You know it is satisfying when someone scratches your back; you will learn it is even more satisfying when someone scratches your entire body. Do you like this particular area scratched hard while another area light? I’ll ask! As with the therapeutic technique, I will follow the same exact road map! After the scratching technique, I’ll move on to the most satisfying, most erotic sensuous encounter of your life – a feather touch of each and every cell of your body. Few people have ever received a feather touch of their skin, and almost no one has ever received a feather touch of their whole body. It elevates our sense of touch to a whole new level, to a world of extreme sensuous pleasure. Feather touches make our skin tingle, give us goose bumps, make us shiver. Ironically, we can not give ourselves feather touches! It is like tickling – only successful when executed by someone else! I follow the three distinct techniques in the same logical progression – I start with the therapeutic technique for the whole body followed by the scratching technique for the whole body done in the same exact sequence followed by the feather touch technique for the whole body done in the same exact sequence. My body rubs are extremely predictable. When I do your left hand, you will remember what I did – and be able to predict what I will do next when I do your right hand. And when I do your left foot, you’ll accurately predict that I will follow a sequence very similar to that which I followed for your hands. And when I start the scratching technique, you’ll accurately predict that I will follow the same sequence that I followed for the therapeutic technique. Ditto for the feather touch technique. In the body rub world as in the real world, predictability is soothing and comforting. And once we start our time together, my loving fingertips will never break contact with your skin. Once I start, my fingertips will remain on your skin at all times. I will never completely break contact. I will maintain continuity at all times. You will always know where my hands are, what they are doing, where they will glide next. No surprises. No interruptions. Have you ever given a body rub to a lady? Did you know the right way to give a body rub to a lady? Did you ever study the right way? Did you even know there was a right way? How long did your body rub last? Did you use a therapeutic technique? Did you vary intensity depending on the lady’s desires? Did you use a scratching technique? Did you use a feather technique? All three? At some point in life, every one of us has given a body rub to a member of the opposite gender. Some of us have given body rubs better than others, perhaps, but every one of us has given at least one. And every one of us has received at least one. Most of us have given many and received many. But my body rubs are not the helter-skelter random body rubs of an amateur! My body rubs are the smooth, sophisticated body rubs of a trained professional! An amateur giving a body rub is done in about 10 minutes. That is because an amateur touches every area and thinks the body rub is done. Amateurs can not spend 60 minutes on a therapeutic body rub. They get bored very quickly touching the same areas. Only a trained professional can spend a full 60 minutes delivering a high-quality therapeutic technique body rub. After that initial 60 minutes of therapeutic, I will spend about 15 minutes delivering the next two techniques of scratching and feather touches. For you, that means a full, undivided 75 minutes on the table receiving my loving, caring, nurturing attention. That session is designed to stimulate and satisfy your sense of touch. But at the same time, I also want to stimulate and satisfy your four other senses and to arouse within you your natural desires of lust and desire. And I will use techniques that have been used for thousands of years! Let me describe first what I believe to be the second most important sense that should be stimulated and satisfied during a body rub session – the sense of sight. For thousands of years, women have used the ancient art of strip tease to stimulate and satisfy men’s sense of sight and to arouse within them men’s natural desires. A great strip tease is an unequalled thrill in a man’s world. At some point in your life, you have seen a strip tease. Either in a club or in a movie. You know what happens and you know what to expect. The woman starts fully robed, then disrobes item by item. Your eyes look anxiously, waiting as each item is removed. Your anticipation builds. You become frustrated waiting for the moment when the last item is finally removed. And yet you receive far more satisfaction from that anticipation than you receive from the final removal itself! If the woman had entered the stage fully undressed, you would have been bored! Yet the same lady entering the stage fully dressed and then removing her clothing one item at a time is thrilling and exciting! I follow that same technique. But I elevate the thrill and excitement to a whole new level. I start fully dressed, with many layers of items to be removed. And during our time together, I remove them item by item. And I am able to add a twist: as each item is removed, your fingers may gently explore each newly revealed area. Soft, gentle touches please, and no penetration. Have you even seen a strip tease and wished you could touch each newly revealed area? Have you been frustrated by not being allowed to touch? With me, touching is permitted! And I elevate the sense of touch with two more special components. First, I will from time to time “accidentally” brush my nipples against your body as a lean over to reach distant parts. Second, I will from time to time “accidentally” brush against your intimate areas, watching for an arousal yet knowing that the time for satisfaction has not yet arrived! Teasing to the point of torture! Men are visual creatures by nature. Men like to see. Men like to look. Men love ographic movies because their sense of sight is completely satisfied, their lust and desires are aroused and satisfied. Men just have to see it! I understand that and I make that part of my entertainment! The rest of my entertainment is designed to satisfy your other three senses. I use soft, massage music to stimulate and satisfy your sense of hearing, scented candles burning to stimulate and satisfy your sense of smell, and chocolates for your sense of taste! Every step I take is in reality a form of foreplay. It is stimulation designed to arouse the great passions that lie awaiting expectantly within you. Those great passions can only be satisfied with the last great step of our time together. You know it is coming. I know it is coming. You may think that sweet, wonderful moment of explosive is why you came to visit me, but after you leave you will realize the truth: that you want to come back to see me again not just to achieve that explosive relief but because the entire experience of our time together was completely satisfying on every possible level. You will feel emotionally loved and wanted by a beautiful woman. You will feel physically satisfied in all five senses. You will think you had the most sensuous, the most passionate experience perhaps of your entire life. And you will be addicted. You will want to experience that again and again. [And yes, as you fall in love, you will want to go further each time you return.] I believe that our time together should be one of the greatest romantic interludes of your life. Not just a slam-bam, thank-you-ma’am experience, but rather, a genuine human intimacy of two people sharing the most pleasurable time together. Our time together will take at least an hour and a half. I do not rush and I do not want to be rushed! I want to take our time together having fun. I believe that 75 minutes on the table is a minimum amount of time to have fun together. I post in the body rub section because I provide body rubs. I do not provide “escort services”. This means no penetrations of me, please! I honestly believe that you will have more fun with our time together than we would have if I had provided “escort services”. If you read my complete description above, I think you’ll agree with me. Body rubs are better than “escort services”. I have a professional massage table and oils/creams/lotions at my place in Boca Raton. My place is very safe and secure. Please do not be alarmed by the presence of a police car parked a few houses down from me. A police officer lives there! He is never in his car except when he leaves for work and when he gets home. And you and I will not be doing anything illegal, so relax! I ask for a donation of $200 for our time together. I do not have any sessions less than an hour and a half. [I do have a three hour session at $400.] When you visit me, I will be spending an hour and a half with you and I have everything set up already. When I visit you, I will be spending an hour and a half with you and perhaps another hour and a half traveling and getting ready! For this reason, my “outcall” rates are literally twice as much as my “incall” rates -- $400 for an hour and a half session at your place. Best way to reach me: text me at 954-391-0387. Or email me at: marilyntaylor1991@gmail.com Last: phone me at 954-391-0387 Donations: $200 for 1.5 hours (incall; double for outcall) $400 for 3.0 hours (incall; double for outcall) body rub west palm beach,happy ending asain massage,massage finder west palm,delray beach body rub,body waxing boca raton west,rubmaps st pete,real happy ending handjob,erotic massage lake worth,2549 forest hill blvd west palm beach fl 33406,rubmaps massage
  • Post ID : 5033192
  • Poster's age : 21
  • City : West Palm Beach
  • Address : West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Boca Raton / Deerfield Beach