True Tibetian Tantric Experience -- Unique, Exquisite, Delightful Satisfaction of Sensory Pleasures! - 38

Posted : Saturday, January 11, 2025 07:41 PM | 5 views

954-834-3881 Lana Marie 7 AM until 11 PM. My place in Pompano Beach or Your Place in Broward or Palm Beach Counties. Gentlemen: Please allow me to introduce myself properly to you. I am Lana Marie. I offer the only genuine Tantra experience available on BackPage! I know because I have read through all the ads that claim to offer Tantra and have called each. Not one of those who claimed to offer Tantra knew anything about Tantra except the word itself. In this day of the easy “Google” search, that is virtually unbelievable! I lived in Tibet for 4 years. I was professionally trained in Tantra. I have taught Tantra in Hawaii. I am a true, genuine master. I know there is a lot of confusion to those of you who read these ads on BackPage, CraigsList, Eros, IndependentGirl, Escort.Com, and other sites. Many pretend to offer a Tantra experience, but have never had a split second of training and have never bothered to spend one moment reading an article or a book about Tantra. Many on BackPage pretend to offer a “massage” but have never had a split second of training and have never bothered to spend one moment reading an article or a book about how to provide a massage. You gentlemen know the real from the pretend! Any woman can touch a man’s body and call it a “body rub” or a “massage”. But a real masseuse who has been professionally trained and licensed provides a service that is altogether radically different than the service provided by someone who has never been trained. Of course, any woman can touch a man and it will feel good and any woman can touch a man in the right area and cause him to explode. But the real from the pretend is obvious to every man who has ever had both! A real Tantric experience has no similarity to a pretend Tantric experience. And the difference between the real and the pretend is obvious to every man who has ever had both! I have lived a life of Tantra. I know it thoroughly. And I can share my knowledge with you in a pleasurable manner. Although I have not found anyone else on BackPage who has had any actual training in Tantra, I have met some people in Florida who have been trained in Tantra. I should clarify that a bit – I have met some people in Florida who have been trained in the American concept of Tantra. There is a huge difference between those of us who have trained in Tibet and those of us who have trained in America! Speak to someone who was born and raised in Spain for 30 years and compare their spoken Spanish to someone who was born and raised in American speaking only English who took a year or two of Spanish in high school. Would you be able to tell which one really speaks Spanish and which one pretends to speak Spanish? Of course you would! I know the real Tantra. Not the high school equivalent of Tantra!! And almost everyone who claims to have “studied” Tantra took a massage course that devoted 5 whole minutes to the subject of Tantra. Imagine needing a heart transplant – would you want to have it done by a doctor who studied heart surgery for 5 whole minutes? If you want a true Tantric experience by a true master, then please call South Florida’s leading authority – ME!! For those of you who don’t know much about Tantra, I am reprinting below a few paragraphs from the most basic of sources – Wikipedia!! If you are like me, you have a few doubts about Wikipedia. However, I have read this article and it has a lot of things that are actually on point! I entertain in Pompano Beach, where I have professional equipment. However, I can come to you in Broward or Palm Beach counties, sometimes! I can be reached from 7 AM until 11 PM at 954-834-3881. My place in Pompano Beach or Your Place in Broward or Palm Beach Counties. I offer Personal Friendship and Intimacy Coaching. If you come to my place, I ask for a donation for my time of $200 for 1 hour or $250 for 1 and ½ hours or $300 for 2 hours. If I come to your place, I ask for travel expenses of $75. I am Lana Marie and you can reach me at 954-834-3881. My place in Pompano Beach or Your Place in Broward or Palm Beach Counties. I apologize to those of you who had trouble reaching me or making an appointment over the weekend; please call again! When you visit me, there will be no roommates, no co-workers, no others! Just you and I!! $200 1.0 Hours $250 1.5 Hours $300 2.0 Hours body rubs craigslist,asian rub maps,manscaping near me craigslist,erotic nude massage,exotix san jose,massage craigslist near me,palm beach county massage,west palm erotic massage,garden sensation lake worth beach,adult search wpb
  • Post ID : 5033108
  • Poster's age : 23
  • City : West Palm Beach
  • Address : Pompano