- Poster's age : 28
- Mobile :
- City : West Palm Beach
- Location : Pompano Beach
Beautiful, Black Hair, Green Eyes, Soft Hands, Kissable Lips. Mutual Pleasures. - 47
Posted : Thursday, January 09, 2025 02:45 PM | 5 views
My ad is very long. If you take time to read it, you will understand exactly who I am, what I offer in services, what you should expect from me, what my rates are, and where I am located. My ad is exceptionally unique and so am I and so is what I offer. You will find it is worth your while to read my whole ad before calling me. Gentlemen have told me that everything in my ad is perfectly true and that they were glad the read the entire ad before visiting.
I have heard that others are copying portions of my ad or my writing style in general, and I must say that I am very flattered by the imitation! One gentleman told me that he found at least 12 separate ads that had stolen portions of my posting!
Want the short version: Skip to the summary presented at the end!
My name is Catherine, but you may call me Cathy, please. I am 47 years old and stand 5 8 tall when I wear shoes and weigh 148 pounds, with long thick black hair way past my shoulders, green/hazel eyes, and a beautiful face. I have a voluptuous build large and natural D Cups and perfectly sized hips. I have been watching my weight lately and have lost a few pounds. I am not slender, but I certainly am not thick! I have been working out with a personal trainer for several weeks. I am seeing the benefits already! I didnt know all the side benefits that were possible of working out, but will be glad to share my experiences with you. Ask me to tell you about my personal trainer if you might be interested in having him work with you. He was referred by a mutual friend who has been seeing him for 6 years. She went to him to regain strength for a broken arm, but he was able to cure her osteoporosis by giving her the right exercises!
When I meet you, I will be wearing one of these outfits under my robe. Almost all of my outfits have always been solid black, but from time to time I wear a black outfit with trim of a different color! Yes, thats about as adventurous as I get with colors, but one fine day perhaps one of you gentlemen will take me shopping for some lingerie and well find something of a different color! Usually my lingerie is covered by a silk robe, and often that is my white one or my red one or even my pink one (yes, even more often than my black silk robe!).
As I rub you, your job will be to convince me to allow you to untie my robe and slowly let it fall, then my black outfit! (Not much convincing needed!) I think that the slow, strip-tease approach is the most sensually stimulating art! One piece at a time, slowly teasing the visual senses, slowing suggesting what lies beneath. Can you unsnap a bra with just one hand? Can you get everything off? (My preference!!) I think that the best body rubs are those where we both lose all our clothing!
I decided to post an ad in the body rub section because that is the type of service I wish to offer. I decided to offer body rubs because I love to touch mens bodies!! Also, I have learned that the body rub section has two added benefits: first, the gentlemen are very sociable and like to talk and have interesting conversations and get to know each other. This is especially easy to do when my "1 hour" session almost always lasts for "1 hour and a half" or longer (cut short only if you need to leave early, not by my time limitations). Second, there are no risks of disease for anyone!! Even better is when we have a 2-hour session, because that almost always lasts for 3 hours!.
I have now been posting on BackPage for more than 2 months. During that time I have met many of the nicest people imaginable. I would like to say thank you to all of you who have taught me new things. I have learned so much that it has been hard to take it all in. I have met gentlemen from all walks of life with amazing stories to share. It is exciting to hear your life's story, and even more exciting when we find out we share things in common. I have had a fun life myself -- I have painted, I have learned to fly an airplane, I have lived in New York, Puerto Rico, and Michigan as well as Florida, and I have raised kids and now I have grandkids! I have been to college and I have been around the block! And you gentlemen have had fascinating lives!
Many of you who have been on the other side of the door when I opened it have said that I am even more beautiful than my photos suggest. I want to thank all of you you make me feel good about myself!
I have had more fun during the last few weeks than I would be able to describe in writing! When I started, I didnt know what to expect. I was very unsure of myself and even more unsure of who would appear at my door. Now I know: I can expect the gentlemen who call from BackPage to be very nice, wonderful, kind gentlemen who are well-mannered and polite!
I have been completely shocked to find that not only have I met exceptionally nice men, but also that I have found myself very attracted to them on many levels. And I have been completely shocked by the amount of fun I have been having. I just love when a gentleman says, Okay, now its your turn to lie down on the table and let me use my hands.
Then something happened that added a new acronym to my vocabulary MIO. Do you know what a MIO is? It is a Male-Induced-Orgasm. Okay, I made that phrase up, but someday it just may appear in Websters Dictionary!! (Ill let you figure out for yourself what a FIO is!)
I think that each gentleman who has crossed my threshold has told me that I am beautiful and that I would attract a lot of clients if I posted my face. But I have explained that I dont want to attract a lot of clients I want to attract a few very nice clients. I prefer to entertain just one wonderful gentleman a day! And I do not want to rush our special time together.
Anyone who has ever visited another pleasure provider can probably state that it is very, very rare for a 1 hour session to stretch far beyond that one hour. Most gentlemen tell me they have the opposite experience a 1-hour session is over in far less time than one hour. They tell me that most of the ladies are clock-watchers and when the one hour time is up they are kicked out the door. I think this illustrates well the basic premise under which I operate I want to have fun!!!! And that takes time. With me, time is not a problem I live here!! You are the one who finally decides you have run out of time and need to leave!
My gentlemen callers and I have had more fun than adults should be allowed to have. I know this: this is the most fun I have ever had in my life! I enjoy meeting you, talking to you, pleasing you, and being pleased by you!! I can have a glass of wine and relax fully in your company. Anyone who thinks this is a job or work has a bad attitude! This is pure fun! What I thought this job would be about is not what it is about. This is more about making a human connection than it is about sex. Sometimes just holding hands is the most important part; at other times, just talking about marital problems is the most important part.
You have helped me understand the mistakes that so many of the other Body Rub girls make not being a good listener, not delivering the kind of touch that is wanted, not being sincerely interested, and not wanting to be touched in return. Personally, I dont see how I could ever make any of those mistakes. I just love this too much!! I thought I was quiet and shy, but I have learned how to make new friends and share our lives stories.
One gentleman told me that the thing he perhaps liked the most about me was that I was genuinely interested in him as a person and also in the pleasure that he provided to me!!
And at my age of 47, I learned that I can have multiple moments of explosion myself. Can you imagine learning that? Even better, the time from one to the next blends together so that 5 or 6 explosions become one giant, sustained, long blast! [Guys, you must be jealous of the female body!!] Men from 35 to 75 really seem to be the best companions on the planet!
I had a little bit of training in the art of giving a body rub before I started. I didnt think anyone would think I was great at this. But several of you have told me that I provided the greatest body rub you had ever received! That makes me even more determined to learn more and more and become better and better. So I have bought some books and researched some reading materials to become better and better.
Some of you like touches that range from delicate to soft to mild to firm to hard, at rates that vary from slow to fast I have strong hands with smooth skin, so I can match your needs perfectly. Expect me to ask you what you like, because I aim to please.
What does it take to make a body rub GREAT for you? For each person, it is probably something a little different! So the only way to be sure what you like is to ask you what you like. I am learning a lot about what you might like because I am learning a lot about what men like in general. But I want to be sure, so I'll ask you some questions.
And I have learned something very important many of you like to touch me just as much as I like to touch you! Yes, I absolutely love to enjoy receiving a great body rub just as much as you do! So please dont hesitate to ask. I would never have guessed that you might like to give me a great body rub, and I would never have guessed that I would love receiving one! And just as much as you want to satisfied at the end, so do I! Now I can see why the word mutual is so important. And yes, I want those moments of explosion just as much as you do.
What do you want? Of course, we need to start with soft hands! But strong hands also. You probably like some areas to have a gentle touch, some a medium touch, and some a firm touch. And sometimes slow, sometimes medium, and sometimes fast. Some areas soft and slow, other areas fast and firm.
You probably know that most ladies concentrate on the back. I have had a little bit of training and have a much different idea. I like to start with you on your back and keep you there for a long time. That is so that I can start with your face (and head and neck). Your face has the most nerve endings of any area in the entire body and therefore should receive the most attention. And yet I have found that almost no one who has visited me has ever had his face rubbed before!! I think that is silly. Also, your face has more muscles than any other area of your body, and your jaw muscle is the strongest muscle (ounce per ounce) of your entire body. And of course we always start with you in the position that you prefer most.
And lets understand a simple point: you are coming to see me for erotic pleasures, not a professional massage. A gentleman can visit a licensed, professionally trained masseuse and get a proper massage for about $60 an hour. We ladies on BackPage provide a different service. We are not licensed so we do not provide massages. Instead, we provide body rubs. Our touches are often soothing, but especially our touches are sensuous. Our touches might be just as soothing as those of a professional, licensed masseuse and might do just as good a job of relaxing your muscles. But that is not our only goal we also have a larger goal of delivering touches that arose the sensuous passions! We do not charge for our body rub services we only charge for our time together, whether that is drinking wine, watching television, kissing and making out, or giving each other mutual pleasures, A licensed masseuse can not legally provide those sensuous touches that result in explosions.
After the face (and head and neck), I like to move on to each arm and hand. Your hands have the most nerve endings after your face. And I find that many of you have never had a great hand rub! Lets correct that deficiency right now! Your hands will love my touches. My touches relax your hand muscles while providing sensuous stimulation.
Next I will move on to each leg and foot. After the face and hands, your feet have the most nerve endings. So lets provide them appropriate attention! Ticklish? Dont worry, there is a simple secret: increase the pressure and the ticklish sensations go away.
Only now will I ask you to turn onto your stomach so I can rub your back. Sure, everyone thinks the back is the most important area of the body. But lets be serious you probably have not been outside carrying 100 pound rolls of roofing material up a 40-foot ladder all day, have you? You probably have a professional job doctor, lawyer, stock-broker, etc. You probably dont have a blue collar job. Your back probably has the same muscle tensions as the average secretary!! Yes, of course I know how to properly rub a back and I will do so. But it comes nearly last on my list because it has so few nerve endings and is rarely sore!!
Yes, finally, you know what is coming. Ill ask you to flip over onto your back. Yes, THE FLIP. Youll know whats next. But maybe well add a surprise! Or better yet: maybe youll ask me if Id like to lie down on the table and be on the receiving end! Maybe you would like to see me in a moment of erotic pleasure before receiving your own moment of erotic pleasure.
Personally, I think that it is very, very important to communicate well. I want to get to know you on a personal level and hopefully you will feel the same way. I think that getting to know each other, through talking, is a lot of the fun! When I meet you at the door, I turn off my phone. I would ask you to do the same, but I will understand if you might have a very important call calling in!
I will treat you like a king and I will do everything I possibly can do to make sure you have such a wonderful experience so that you will return to see me and not want to see anyone new. I want a 100% return rate!!
This is between ME and YOU. We are consenting adults. If we want to have serious fun, we need to be completely comfortable with each other. We need to take time to get to know each other as friends. Lets not rush!! Lets take our time and do this the right way. I never go further than the use of hands. I do not offer FS. But we will both be fully satisfied. Personally, I often think that our time together is far more satisfying this way. With FS, everything is typically over in a few brief moments. I prefer those long, drawn-out, tender, loving moments; those where the excitement builds to a thundering crescendo! [And we both walk away 100% sure that we are not walking away with anything unwanted!]
I want to be clear on what I provide. I provide fabulous entertainment, but I do not provide sexual services. I am not what many would describe as being orll or FS. I do not provide orll or FS services. I had thought that this was fairly clear in what I have written above, but a lot of callers ask me about orll or FS. I love mutual pleasures and I love great conversations, but I also love the safety that mutual body rubs provide. I have been tested and have absolutely no diseases whatsoever and I want to stay that way! When you visit me, you will leave with no diseases. That can never be said of anyone who provides orll or FS, even with condoms. That is because many STDs can be transmitted through saliva or sweat. No gentleman wants to contract an STD and neither do I. This is the only 100% sure way of making sure that is what happens. Let's be real: you absolutely do not want to catch anything; neither do we on BackPage who provide body rubs without orll or FS!
I do love the kissing and the hugging and the mutual pleasures. I do love for both of us to have a great time. I do love to spend lots and lots of time together. I only charge for my time, not for any specific services. So please do not offer more to receive orll or FS, because I dont offer those! I know that many gentlemen would prefer to receive an orll or FS ending, and indeed there are many service providers who offer those! But many gentlemen who have visited me have said that they agreed with me they had a wonderful time and they were happy that they had not been exposed to any possible risks.
Yes, I do love to receive those orll pleasures, but I do not provide orll services. I still receive a lot of requests and a lot of bribes, but no, I do not provide orll or FS services. Please be understanding. I have children and grandchildren and I want to remain disease free for many, many years to follow, and so do you.
When we are finished, it is likely that we will both have oils or lotions on our bodies. Would you like to take a shower? I would! Would you like to take a shower together? I would too!
Many of you have asked if I offer prostate massages. I am pleased to announce that I do. I have been learning and studying! But I am sure that each gentleman who appreciates receiving a prostate massage probably has a slightly different way he likes to receive them, so I will be glad to have you explain your likes and dislikes to me! I would like to learn all the right ways!
Guys: A lot of you have commented that you think my ad is well-written. Thank you for those comments. And thank you even more for saying that I am even more articulate and well-spoken in person! (And has anyone noticed that someone just over half my age likes my wording so well that she has copied large sections of it without my permission!!)
I ask for a donation of $200 for up to 1.5 hours or $300 for 2 to 3 hours.
The saying "time flies when you're having fun" is definitely true. But if we are having fun, why should we rush? With all that time, we can spend some time having a glass of wine and talking and getting to know each other before we even start. And talking. I am mature enough to be able to hold up my end of a conversation with an intelligent, mature gentleman!
Any money exchanged is for companionship purposes only, for which I ask for a donation. This is NOT an offer of any illegal service.
My place is very private. I am in a private location where the parking lot is invisible. I dont have any roommates. I live here and my telephone number is my home telephone number, not a cell phone. So leaving text messages will not work! I use one bedroom as my bedroom and the other bedroom as my table room. I always have clean linens on my table. I can use an unscented oil or lotion if you like, or I can even use no oil or lotion if you prefer. You may take a shower after if you like.
I am located in Pompano Beach in a condo building on Lyons Road between Atlantic Boulevard (Exit 36 off I-95) and Cypress Creek Road (Exit 33 off I-95).
You can reach me at 954-366-5696. I am looking forward to meeting you. Cathy
1. My name is Cathy. I am 47 years old and stand 5 8 tall when I wear shoes and weigh 148 pounds, with long thick black hair way past my shoulders, green/hazel eyes, and a beautiful face. I have a voluptuous build large and natural D Cups and perfectly sized hips. I have been working out with a personal trainer.
2. I wear black lingerie and a silk robe to meet you at the door, but like you to slowly undress me so we are both completely without clothes.
3. I love Male Induced Orgasms (orll or digital, but not penile). I love to have fun. I think that MIOs will cure menopause! I love having mutual fun!!! And I love having multiple MIOs. You are welcome to have multiple FIOs.
4. My sessions are extra long. I prefer a minimum session of 1.5 hours ($200) but have a great preference for long sessions of 2 to 3 hours ($300).
5. I provide a genuinely excellent rub-down, better than most professionals. I have a unique style that no one can imitate starting with the face, then the arms/hands, then the legs/feet, then the back, and then the flip!
6. I love great conversation. I am educated and intelligent and can hold my own with just about anyone. I am interested in you as a person. I want us to share our stories so we become lasting friends.
7. I love the hugging and the kissing and the mutual pleasures. I like to receive orll. I do not provide orll and I do not provide FS.
8. I know how to properly provide a prostate massage.
9. You can shower alone or with me.
10. Rates are $200 for 1.5 hours or $300 for 2.0 to 3.0 hours. body waxing lake worth,craigslist massages near me,delray beach body rub,massage wpb fl,massage sexuelle,private massage craigslist,sensual massage palm beach,massage from craigslist,massage parlor west palm,body rub near me now